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As a product of the public school system I know firsthand that the amount of financial education these schools provide is limited at best. In most cases it’s non-existent. Now consider the fact that a lot of our parents and grandparents either went to the same public schools we did and received the same miseducation or they came to the this country from a place that has a different set of rules towards money management that can’t be applied here. Combine those things and you have a recipe for generational financial illiteracy. The Black Dollar Bill was created to help stop that cycle and provide helpful content on the road to financial empowerment within the Black community. I hope the information found on this site is not only useful but also starts a dialogue among the readers. Use the content on this site as a starting point in your research on topics that interest you. We also have a ‘Resources’ section under the “Support” tab that has a lot of great information.


If you have a topic you would like to see discussed please reach out at